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What are some common challenges faced by students studying abroad & how can study abroad agencies help them?

August 07, 2024

Always with the benefits, there is also the space of challenges that helps us make our lives stronger and achievable. Similarly studying abroad offers numerous benefits with challenges to overcome, to be successful in life. However, studying abroad provides various opportunities including the diversity of academic programs, quality of education, job opportunities, scholarships and a better student life. Similarly, the path of studying abroad comes with common challenges that can be proved as a daunting and overwhelming experience.  

Understanding these challenges and how study abroad agency administers students can be a vital part of assuring a smooth and worthwhile experience. This article supports you in knowing the common challenges faced by studying abroad students and how overseas education consultants play an essential role in mitigating these issues. As per the Indian reports, in 2023 approximately 1.3 million Indian students moved to study abroad and the preferred countries according to students include the US, UK, Canada and Australia.

Common Challenges of Studying Abroad 

Cultural Differentiation

One of the most complicated challenges students face is the differentiation of culture. Moving to a new country means you have to encounter the different norms of society, preferences for food, traditions, customs and means of communication which might cause students homesickness and challenging to adapt to. The initial excitement of being in a new environment can quickly give way to feelings of frustration as students feel alienated from their new surroundings. 

Language Barrier

Whereas English is a medium of teaching at some universities, students may find difficulties in connecting with other students from countries where English is not the native language. This can interrupt everyday conversations, forming social connections and academic participation. Hence, students need to be familiar with the local language to better understand the country, its people and their culture. 

Academic changes 

Compared to the Indian educational system the academic structure and expectations of international universities could extremely vary. However, understanding these changes from teaching styles and testing methodologies to research necessities, proves to be challenging for Indian students. Hence, abroad universities help students by conducting academic counselling, mentorship programs and courses on learning methods and time management.   

Financial Management

When pursuing an education abroad, many Indian students and their families face extensive financial challenges. There are a lot of expenses while going abroad and studying which creates problems including tuition fees, living expenses, and currency exchange rates. To reduce their financial burden, students can look for varied scholarships, grants and part-time jobs. 

Feeling Homesick 

Leaving your home and going to study somewhere that far away from your home, leaves the feeling of homesickness. The reality behind this is there will be days when you don’t feel good and things aren’t going right and you’re far away from the people and surroundings that could comfort you. Sometimes the feeling may become overwhelming; they crave familiarity and support from close people. Although, it’s necessary to realize that it’s a normal and common part of living abroad, especially from the first year of university. But after some time the feeling becomes less as you start settling down in the country.  

Role of Study Abroad Agency

Study abroad agency plays an important role in intelligible the complex process of studying abroad. Agency consultants help students choose the right university and course based on students academic profile and financial capabilities by providing expert guidance. Also, consultants assist students in their visa applications and ensure the admission process happens smoothly. Know in detail:

Pre-departure Support  

Overseas study-abroad consultants provide comprehensive information about the destination country including culture, climate and lifestyle. The sessions with consultants help students to prepare what to expect and understand the social norms and customs of the new environment. 

Language preparation

In Scorp Overseas we also provide language courses IELTS or resources to support students improve their proficiency in English which helps them to make their study journey easy. Also, students can make an effort to learn a little bit of the local language in whichever country they are going to, it becomes easier for them to communicate with anyone. 

Academic Assistance

Consultants can assist students with the best universities and courses according to the student’s academic and financial capabilities. Moreover, they provide comprehensive course information, credits and how to navigate the academic landscape which helps students understand things more in-depth and make their decision specific. 

Financial Guidance

Study abroad agency help students to plan finances, create a budget and knowledge of the cost of living abroad. Importantly they provide advice on how to manage expenses and make the most of their financial resources. Also, they give information about scholarships, grants and student loans. Moreover, with Scorp Overseas students get options to find suitable accommodation for themselves in their budget to ensure safety too. 

Legal and Administrative Support

Study abroad agencies support the visa application process, assuring all required documents accurately and providing expert guidance on interviews. Moreover, they assist students with visa renewals and work permits if they need them. Overall the agencies render the experts guidance on navigating bureaucratic processes and assuring compliance with legal necessities. 


Studying abroad is a journey filled with opportunities and challenges with overseas education consultants. While the obstacles can be daunting, study abroad agency play a crucial role in smoothing the transition and providing necessary support. If you’re searching for the same Scorp Overseas can help you from pre-departure preparation to ongoing assistance, as we know this journey is crucial for every aspirant and we can make it easier for you, just you have to show trust in ourselves. With the right support system, students can navigate the complexities of studying abroad and emerge more resilient, knowledgeable and culturally enriched. With the help of a study abroad agency students can turn their study abroad experience into a rewarding and life-changing adventure.

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